Monday, March 19, 2018

My Project Goes To Tatti

This post is for how I wasted my entire day and actually took a step back.

I found out that my favorite font is nowhere to be found and every downloadable link I found - if any - was a .esp file.

I researched what this meant and apparently it is a three dimensional file that has multilayered pictures like a GIS. I'm guessing this is because of the three dimensional look of the font and the fact that it is more than one color. I started looking for other fonts and I found a hand painter who sells his various fonts with an Indian truck design touch to them, but from this article, I realized even if I bought these fonts, I would still be left with only .esp files due to the NINE multi layers encompassed in his hand painted fonts.

I couldn't find any similar font so I then decided to try to use an image of the Tatti font and crop the letters together. I began by downloading a GIF of all the letters being displayed, I did this because this was the only instance I found of all the letters with solid backgrounds. With this GIF, I did a split to extrat every frame of the image so I can have access to all the letters.

I saved the letters that I needed but they were all in different colors.

I tried to open these pictures up in paint and change them to the green and red theme that I was hoping for my magazine, but I quickly realized that many of the pixels are different colors even though the image looks solid. Additionally, the Z was not a solid color, and therefore I had no idea how to change the colors to my choosing.  I ended with a horrid result that looked like this.

At this point I don't know what to do because the only popping part of this project is that I found this font, everything else conforms to what many of the other students are doing with their projects regarding style, target audience, and even genre. Additionally, my doubts have solidified when helping others who struggle with their film projects. I may be better at conveying a message through film than through print media, but I will have to continue trying this route for it is what I chose as best fit for myself.

Alphabet [Font GIF]. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Breaking down the Indian roadside painter’s font. (2012, April 17). Retrieved from

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Here is my reflection of this entire experience, I had a wonderful time making this magazine including the ups and downs and I learned a lot...